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Geoplan Insights

RTLS가 의료산업 분야에 어떻게 활용될까요?

작업자 안전을 위한 RTLS 기술

또 하나의 예술, 관람객의 위치를 인식한 모바일 아카이브

Control everything with UWB

4차 산업 핵심 "스마트 팩토리"

더 똑똑해진 클레버 오피스

Customer Success Stories

We deliver what we promise. Our clients leave with nothing but a satisfaction of our technology.

We will provide support before, during, and after the use of our services

Leeum Museum of Art with its Digital Guide

Leuum Museaum of Art in Seoul uses “Digital Guide” letting art pieces speak for themselves. Geoplan’s UWB installed smartphones enriched museum experience……

Samsung Hospital in Seoul and Real-Time Patient Trackiing System

Patient tracking and assisting has been ……
