Smart Factory - Process Control Automation with RTLS

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Industry 4.0

Smart Factory - Process Control Automation with RTLS


In a factory with hundreds of moving parts, real-time location data on the status and movement of parts and assets is always needed. The first thing you need for process efficiency is location information of objects (work in process) and people on site. Location data is always needed. 공정 과정의 효율성을 위해서 가장 먼저 필요한 것이 바로 현장의 물체(공정품)와 사람의 위치 정보입니다. RTLS 시스템은 공장 운영의 핵심 시스템으로 RTLS에 의해 처리된 정보가 자동화설비를 비롯한 각종 설비에 작업정보설정, 자재투입지시, 작업자 인터페이스 세팅, 실적관리 등의 기준데이 가 될 수 있습니다.


When an RTLS system is introduced into the process, it offers the following advantages. 

1. Gain visibility into your manufacturing site 

To improve productivity and modernize production processes, RTLS technology can be applied to provide continuous monitoring and a bird's eye view of what's happening on site. 생산현장의 다양한 개체를 실시간으로 추적 하여 위치정보와 작업 정보를 매칭합니다. 

2. 생산 효율성 향상 및 데이터 정보화

조립 공정에서 입고 검사 공정까지 제품의 위치를 실시간으로 추적 가능합니다.  
RTLS 를 통해 얻은 위치 데이터를 정보화하고 각종 시스템에 연계하여 작업자 개입을 최소화 하고 객관성 있는 생산 시스템을 갖출 수 있습니다. 
– 작업자 개입없이 생산정보 자동  취득 > 공정 및 제품 상태 정보 확보 
- Automatically generate and utilize production performance data through system linkage 
- Connect with various production facilities and worker tools to automatically set facility information tailored to the work and enter and view work support information. 
- Factory-wide positioning, location control for assets, products, workers, and more 
- Generate product status and various metrics (uplift status, waitlist, lead time, etc.) 
