Smart Building
RTLS with Athletics

RTLS 기술과 스포츠의 만남으로, 스마트 스포츠 공간의 탄생
RTLS는 한정된 실내 시설에서 사람과 자산의 실시간 위치를 추적하고 그 위치를 기반으로 다양한 서비스를 가능하게 해주는 기술입니다. 특히, 스포츠 산업에서 위치 측위 기술은 대게 선수들의 총 활동량 측정과 그 데이터 기반 분석, 동선 트래킹을 통한 최적의 플레이 전략 수립 등에 활용 될 수 있습니다.
Fully automated real-time sports analytics platform that uses real-time positioning technology to, collect game data, automatically analyze the data, and visualize it.
Digitizingyou can collect with RTLS: Collect player movement data such as speed, distance, jumps, tackles, and sprints, wearable, devices, on player, jerseys; tag the ball to track ball speed, passing percentage,, tag the ball to track ball speed, passing percentage,, ball possession, travel time,, and more metrics
Digitizingsports with data creates new business opportunities,: such as providing entertainment and sports betting services.
Unique sports experiences
- Provide real-time sports statistics
- Provide different guidance and interactive content based on visitor location
Data and tools for coaching new players
- Collect data for athlete training and coaching purposes
- Tools to plan and adjust game tactics and more with data like player activity, distance, and more.
- Deep analytics and insights into team or individual performance and results
Digitizing sports facilities and using space efficiently
- Indoor location systems are installed in all areas of sports facilities, enabling not only the collection of sports player data but also the collection of spectator location data, which can be utilized for location-based services.
- Sports facility entry management, location-based access control, prohibiting unauthorized persons from entering areas (spectator safety), seat guidance (sports facility navigation), and more.
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